Sunday, September 11, 2011

Philly to FIrefighter Memorial in NYC

"THE RIDE" is now safely parked at the FDNY Training Facility. It's a fitting location. The FDNY stepped up to the plate at the last minute and really helped us out. Thanks Lt Cantwell and FF Kutula! The journey ended yesterday at the Firefighter Memorial in NYC. It was a great ceremony with many families and friends present.

Great memories! "Are you one of the riders?" "No Mam, I'm just the motorhome driver". Rob and I said that so many times. It became humorous. Doak, Natasha, Alex and Rob worked so hard to help make this trip a success and I am thankful to them. There were so many late nights and early mornings prepping and getting things ready. There were uncomfortable, sleepless nights. The food wasn't always there or even good when it was, but I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat.

Did everything go good in the motorhome? Not all the time. We got lost frequently, but I learned it's all in the regroup. Rob was an ace at map reading. Did Rob and I bitch at each other? Oh yeah. Try spending 24 hours a day with someone else for an extended period. We still walk away from this as great friends with a once in a lifetime experience in our pocket.

The hospitality that was extended to us from our fellow Firefighters was unbelievable. Firefighters we didn't even know opened their stations to us, fed us and wanted to just sit down and talk with us. Made me proud to be part of this nationwide Fire Department family!

Today is the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. So happy to be in NYC and that Brandi is here to help commemorate this event.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Channel 7 News Coverage

Jorge Ostrovsky, Scott Smith, the Bike Team and even THE RIDE got some pretty good news coverage on the East Coast today:

Thanks Kris and Channel 7.

Arlington, VA



Friday, September 2, 2011

Back and Pumped!

Ok, I'm backed and pumped! Joined the guys in Pittsburgh today and am ready to go this final leg to NYC! Flew from Dallas to Pittsburgh today. I know, confusing huh? Anyway this lady and her husband sitting next to me on the plane wanna know what my biz is in Pittsburgh. I tell them the whole Ride for 911 story and that's that.

Later at the baggage claim in Pittsburgh I am talking with Marasco and Rob on the phone about how to get to the hotel....."take the 28 express". ......"take a cab"....."take a bus"(I think Rob even said something about horseback) then that same couple shows up from the plane and says, "you're not taking any of those", "we are taking you to your hotel"! One hour later, after the full tour of Pittsburgh narrated by George and Emily, they dropped me off at the hotel. Think this would have happened in LA? I don't think so. George and Emily, if you are reading this......"thank you"! I learned so much Pittsburgh history in that hour, I almost feel like moving there.

Unsung hero......Rob Scott, he looks and sounds like crap. Coughing, hacking and yet all he wants to do is maintain the motorhome, make important phone calls and print out maps. I don't think anyone one of us ha s a full grasp of all that he does for the riders.

Really good to see all the guys......changes?? Yea, Wright, Ostrovsky and Smith look a little bit skinnier. Expected after 2500 miles on a bike though.

On another note, if in Pittsburgh, go to the Hofbrau House. Guys plAying accordions, families taking shots, really good food and large steins of beer make for a good time.

Tomorrow will be an emotional day. Going to Shanksville, which is the crash site of Flight 93. Looking forward to it and will keep you updated tomorrow. Glad to be back on the journey with these amazing guys!!!!!!